Saturday, February 28, 2009

January '09 TRAKking

Here’s the TRAKking for Jan ’09 (Marlene & I are alternating while Melissa’s absent). I built on Marlene’s lead of also counting critiques AFTER the 1st 10 days; my cut off date for that was 2/25 (it’s too much work to check back to see when others critique after a certain time).

I also gave extra credit for critiques given beyond what was requested (Janet requested 1 critique for her mini book as did Brian for his 8x8 LOs, Lisa requested 2 critiques for her LOs, & Chris posted an optional LO). I did NOT give extra credit for critiques left after 10 days.

I left out the line about critiques not critiqued (you do the math, LOL) but I DID tally BWCs & QOWs because while these are optional, hey, why not recognize those who respond! Also, I did not count critiques by departed members but I did tally critiques to their works (so those who critiqued would still get credit).

Please let me know if you have any questions. :o)

Sharon (Blushpea)
Check-ins: 4/4
Submissions: 2
Total # of layouts to critique: 32
Critiques within 10 day window: 49
Critiques after 10 days: 0

BWC responses: 1

QOW responses: 2

Christy (Cmeinstlouis)
Check-ins: 2/4
Submissions: 0
Total # of layouts to critique: 34
Critiques within 10 day window: 0
Critiques after 10 days: 31

Brenda (Twinscrapbee)
Check-ins: 3/5
Submissions: 1
Total # of layouts to critique: 33
Critiques within 10 day window: 39
Critiques after 10 days: 7

Tiffany (Whenscraphappenzz)
Check-ins: 1/4
Submissions: 0
Total # of layouts to critique: 34
Critiques within 10 day window: 0
Critiques after 10 days: 26

Lisa (Gelidy Gelato)
Check-ins: 4/4
Submissions: 8
Total # of layouts to critique: 32
Critiques within 10 day window: 20
Critiques after 10 days: 19
QOW responses: 1

Melissa (Eat Sleep Scrap)
Check-ins: 0/4
Submissions: 0
Total # of layouts to critique: 34
Critiques within 10 day window: 0
Critiques after 10 days: 0

Jesse (*Jesse*)
Check-ins: 3/4
Submissions: 2
Total # of layouts to critique: 32
Critiques within 10 day window: 15
Critiques after 10 days: 1

Marsha (Mars4554)
Check-ins: 2/4
Submissions: 2
Total # of layouts to critique: 32
Critiques within 10 day window: 6
Critiques after 10 days: 1

Marlene (MaRLeNeF)
Check-ins: 4/4
Submissions: 5
Total # of layouts to critique: 29
Critiques within 10 day window: 42
Critiques after 10 days: 0
BWC responses: 2

QOW responses: 1

Chris (CMLeach)
Check-ins: 4/4
Submissions: 7
Total # of layouts to critique: 28
Critiques within 10 day window: 41
Critiques after 10 days: 0
BWC responses: 1

Deb (Digi Deborah)
Check-ins: 1/3
Submissions: 3
Total # of layouts to critique: 31
Critiques within 10 day window: 11
Critiques after 10 days: 0

Brian (fuchsboi) – pledge as of 1/9

Check-ins: 3/3
Submissions: 6
Total # of layouts to critique: 25
Critiques within 10 day window: 15
Critiques after 10 days: 0

Jen (twinstars) – pledge as of 1/14

Check-ins: 3/3
Submissions: 2
Total # of layouts to critique: 20
Critiques within 10 day window: 21
Critiques after 10 days: 0

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

December tRaKking

Here's the trakking list for December 2008. There were 24 layouts submitted on the critique thread for the month. I based my trakking on those 24 layouts only and not any extra projects that we posted in our galleries. If anyone has any questions or problems, please let me know. Thanks, Marlene :)

Sharon (Blushpea)
Check-ins: 5/5
Submissions: 2
Total # of layouts to critique: 22
Critiques within 10 day window: 22
Critiques after 10 days: 0
Layouts you didn't critique: 0

Christy (Cminstlouis)
Check-ins: 3/5
Submissions: 0
Total # of layouts to critique: 24
Critiques within 10 day window: 0
Critiques after 10 days: 16
Layouts you didn't critique: 8

Brenda (Twinscrapbee)
Check-ins: 3/5
Submissions: 3
Total # of layouts to critique: 21
Critiques within 10 day window: 17
Critiques after 10 days: 4
Layouts you didn't critique: 0

Tiffany (Whenscraphappenzz)
Check-ins: 3/5
Submissions: 0
Total # of layouts to critique: 24
Critiques within 10 day window: 2
Critiques after 10 days: 18
Layouts you didn't critique: 4

Lisa (Gelidygelato)
Check-ins: 5/5
Submissions: 2
Total # of layouts to critique: 22
Critiques within 10 day window: 2
Critiques after 10 days: 20
Layouts you didn't critique: 0

Mel (Queenmel)
Check-ins: 0/5
Submissions: 0
Total # of layouts to critique: 24
Critiques within 10 day window: 0
Critiques after 10 days: 0
Layouts you didn't critique: 0

Janet (Janet28rn)
Check-ins: 4/5
Submissions: 1
Total # of layouts to critique: 23
Critiques within 10 day window: 20
Critiques after 10 days: 0
Layouts you didn't critique: 3

Amanda (Scrappinkitty)
Check-ins: 5/5
Submissions: 2
Total # of layouts to critique: 22
Critiques within 10 day window: 2
Critiques after 10 days: 1
Layouts you didn't critique: 19

Jesse (*Jesse*)
Check-ins: 4/5
Submissions: 1
Total # of layouts to critique: 23
Critiques within 10 day window: 4
Critiques after 10 days: 12
Layouts you didn't critique: 7

Marsha (Mars4554)
Check-ins: 4/5
Submissions: 4
Total # of layouts to critique: 20
Critiques within 10 day window: 17
Critiques after 10 days: 0
Layouts you didn't critique: 3

Marlene (Marlenef)
Check-ins: 5/5
Submissions: 4
Total # of layouts to critique: 20
Critiques within 10 day window: 18
Critiques after 10 days: 0
Layouts you didn't critique: 2

Chris (Cmleach)
Check-ins: 5/5
Submissions: 2
Total # of layouts to critique: 22
Critiques within 10 day window: 20
Critiques after 10 days: 0
Layouts you didn't critique: 2

Deb (Digi Deborah)
Check-ins: 4/5
Submissions: 3
Total # of layouts to critique: 21
Critiques within 10 day window: 16
Critiques after 10 days: 0
Layouts you didn't critique: 5

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Biweekly QueZZtion, Feb 22, 2009

Okay gang, interest in/responses to these queZZtions has been dwindling so I'm posting this FIRST Biweekly QueZZtion but I'm not creating a "Biweekly" label for it yet. If someone answers, coolio! We'll continue on a biweekly basis. If not, this'll probably be the last QueZZtion until interest is expressed again.

What are some of your memories re: LUNCH DURING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL?

Me - I remember I had a Muppets metal lunchbox at one point, & also a Tupperware lunchbox. If I didn't like what the cafeteria had scheduled, I brought my lunch - sandwiches, a thermos of Spaghettios, crackers, fruit or cookies, etc... My mom used to write cheery little notes on my napkins, sometimes w/ tiny pics she drew... telling me to have a great day & whatnot... oh how I wish I kept at least one of those napkins! They really made my day. And she'd freeze my oj/apple juice/punch cans so the drinks would be partially frozen when I got to 'em.

If I bought my lunch, it was because the cafeteria had something I liked - Frito Pie was a BIG FAVE! Did any other schools besides the ones in Texas ever have it? (Chili & cheese over Fritos!) The school pizza was odd but I ate it. Same w/ the burgers. I don't think I liked the school spaghetti though I loved non-school spag. I LOVED Fudgsicles which the caf sold.

I had a pretty healthy social life back then - I was kinda a misfit but not awfully so, I was interactive & had many friends. So lunch was pretty comfortable, plus I think assigned seats (by class before lunch) over the years avoided any kids being left out, we talked to whoever we were sat w/. I particularly remember convincing TC that I could remove the roof of my mouth & then place it back (psst, it was my retainer). He clucked & clucked & tried to do remove the roof of his mouth with all his might... "I can't do it!" he exclaimed. Heh-heh....