Thursday, May 10, 2007

Embellie Kit Challenge

After much going back and forth I final have set up the guidelines for the challenge.

I've heard so many times that critique is about seeing it from other people's perspectives. Well how different will our perspectives be when we all have to use the same supplies?

I will be creating kits of embellies, paper strips/scraps, etc. Each kit should only be a few dollars worth of products (no more that $5). Everyone who wants to participate will receive a kit and must create an original LO using at least 90% of the products in the envelope. Since I want to keep this a surprise the envelope will also contain instructions such as what color background you may need to have. I'm really excited to see what everyone comes up with.

I will need to know who wants to participate by Midnight on Sunday, May 13, 2007. This weekend I will be pricing and preparing the kits. When I get the final total of people interested I can then decide how much to buy and what the final costs for the supplies and shipping will be. You can send the money to me buy mail (PM me for my address) or paypal if you prefer.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

When I Grow UP MIni Album Journaling Prompt Day 10

Day 10 Journaling Prompt
Compare and Contrast. Sample reflection questions: Is my present as I had imagined? What would I have done differently in my youth? Do I find myself to be an adult? Do I ever think you’ll ever ‘grow’ up? What does being grown up mean compared to what you thought it would mean? What advice would you give your grade school self? Or your high school self? Where will you be in 10 years?


Thanks girls for playing with me. I tried to make a full circle reflection with these journaling questions and I hope I succeded. <3 Kay

Monday, May 7, 2007

When I Grow Up Mini Album Journaling Prompt Day 9

Day 9 Journaling Prompt
Describe your adult job(s). {This will vary because some people have had tons of jobs and some people have had one} Sample reflection questions: Where the jobs as you’d imagined? Did they shape you as a human being?

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Weekly Challenge #17

Congrats to all the ladies who participated in Bren's 'Turning Japanese' challenge. The fabby layouts which inspired us were created by:
  • Sharon
  • Angela
  • Tiffany
  • Nitza
  • Brenda

So if you haven't seen them yet, go to their galleries and leave them some comments :)

This week, we're doing heartwarming layouts as a part of the Lucky Seven Contest from According to them, a heartwarming layout is "a layout that has a 'feel good' theme and presentation, one that just makes you say 'awww' after viewing it, and makes you feel good inside." Now let's all open our hearts and make each other melt!