Tuesday, July 28, 2009


With stores already stocking back-to-school and Halloween merchandise, autumn appears to be falling upon us before summer's had its time to shine. What is one thing you plan to do, complete, or accomplish before the "daze' of summer have go-one?


SharonDB said...

I don't think there is any one thing for me. In the past, I've always underestimated how much FUN it is to set aside my own (mostly indoor) agenda to go outside & enjoy the summer. So this year, I've been freer about that - planning/doing lotsa stuff outside, being more open/spontaneous when something comes up, etc.

There are a couple of big things I want to get done (ordering photos for 2008, reading DH's draft novella, uploading a bunch of music into my Itouch) but they have nothing to do w/ summer, I just want them done! :)

Jennifer said...

I just have to say, Hobby Lobby has by-passed Halloween/Autumn and has ALL their CHRISTMAS stuff out already. Seriously?!?!

My only real goal before the end of summer is to get all of my interns through their 6 week internship - this project has been my baby since May and I really hope to get everyone through it successfully!

Janet said...

My summer has flown by but fortunately I was able to enjoy a lot of it, especially at the beginning while I was still off work on maternity leave.

The "unfinished business" for me is planning a family vacation (we'd like to travel somewhere this fall/winter) and cleaning up the office/scrap area.

Jen: I had the same thought as you when I was recently at HL. I'm not even thinking about Christmas yet!