Hi aLL.
So I think photo placement is one of our issues and I have thought up of a couple of mini challenges to help us get better at photo placement. I think this is a VITAl part of creating a layout. Having the correct placement ensures your photos are being looked at and your story is being told properly.
That being said, the first mini challenge is to go on the world wide web and find 3 multi-photo layouts {preferably 3 pics or more} that you love, adore, that you dream about creating yourself! In the comments to this post, insert the links to this layout along with your name {aka log in to make the comment}. After this is done, we'll do the second mini-challenge. Hopefully everyone who wants to participate can do so before tomorrow afternoon. These layouts are probably in your bookmarks or in your favorites.
I think this will be fun and I hope you think so too!
Here are my 3 los:
1: http://www.scrapbook.com/gallery/source/14975/edit3.JPG
2: http://www.scrapbook.com/gallery/source/257/lovethemaytrfeb07.jpg
3: http://www.scarpbook.com/gallery/source/94681/joy212.jpg
Hi Kay! My three LOs are as follows:
1. http://www.creatingkeepsakes.com/mag/article.ihtml?index_field=1868
2. http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k149/princessrk8893/5phoyo1.jpg
3. This is a sketch, so I hope it still counts. I really want to do this one in the worst way!!
Okay, maybe I'm a little biased: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_fUbJJhN2HFE/Rd3o6YeLJaI/AAAAAAAAA3E/7uTwH5WZpXU/s1600-h/sanfran.jpg
I've always wanted to try the wavy strip of pics thang; there are so many variations of this technique. Here's one: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_fUbJJhN2HFE/RZwB8Gm3chI/AAAAAAAAAUE/YDjXw2qHMmw/s1600-h/_DSC0212_SD.jpg
And then there's the mosaic page, of which there are also many variations. This one happens to have a ton of pics: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_fUbJJhN2HFE/Ra5mMLidV8I/AAAAAAAAAdE/-XUQ33ZssnQ/s1600-h/1062672.jpg
Here are my 3 LO's
Here they are, my peeps:
A Glimpse of Us
I like this one, but I like the one Brenda posted better. *sigh*
Pieces of Me
Toxic Valentine
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