I'm a day late, sorry gals!
Now I know all of you are darned near perfect, BUT:
Name one, non physical item you would change about yourself. I'm not talking plastic surgery here, I'm talking self improvement. If you are perfect, tell us why you think you are!
I would like to be more patient. I am a horribly impatient person. This involves when it comes to other people as well as myself. I guess what I mean by that is if I try something once and if it does not work, I do not really try it again. When my husband procrastinates, I practically go out of my mind. When I am teaching someone something new, I want to rush right through. I am working on this and decided to start with myself. I took up painting, using multiple mediums and I keep making myself stick with it, even if I am not liking the results. I think this is why I like scrapbooking so much. I can change anything I wish and it is only as time consuming as I want to make it.
I have 2 things. First off, I can worry, quite a bit. Now...I KNOW we can control our own weather, I KNOW we have power to choose our emotions & reactions. So when I worry, I do strive to turn the emotion into a positive thing. But I just HATE that knee jerk reaction in me that imagines the worst case scenario, the split second before I flip it into something optimistic. I think I worry when I value/love something greatly but ugh, why must my mind reflexibly flash to a terrible imagined outcome the way it does at times??
The other thing is that I am very judgmental of myself sometimes. I don't get it...I preach empathy to others, I am very understanding of varying points of view, even if they're really f*cked up. But I get really harsh with myself. "Recovering perfectionism" I sometimes call it. Even though I am more loving & forgiving of myself than I was in my younger years, I still sometimes hold myself to unspeakably high superwoman standards. And Superwoman I am NOT!
I talk too loud. I have to always remind myself to turn down the volume (or move back to New York).
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