Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Scrapping Styles: Naturalist, Playful, Pop Art & Punk

Naturalist: This, to me, means a combination of scrapping photos of nature & using nature-inspired papers and embellishments to do so.


Playful: I think this is a very loosely defined category. Subject matter can be playful, as in the following example:

or, visual style can be playful, as in the following examples:

Pop Art: Using the anonymous, everyday, standardized, and banal iconography in American life, as comic strips, billboards, commercial products, and celebrity images.

A few excellent examples of pop art scrapping:

Punk: This was a tough one. In my opinion, punk scrapping should be edgy, both the photos and the paper/embellishments used. The subject matter should suit the design. I found it very difficult to locate layouts that I really felt fit this description, but here are a few:

I think the first two are the closest to what I would truly consider "punk" but I think there is a bit left to be desired still - I'm going to attempt to create what I would consider a true punk layout in the next few weeks to see if it is even possible to apply this medium fully to scrapping.

1 comment:

erkieka said...

I like the examples you used for punk. I think this is so hard to define because punk is so free-spirited and the style is usually more of interpreting.