Sunday, February 10, 2008

Quezztion of the Week, 2/10/08

This is a multi-layered QOW. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? Does it vary depending on the day? If so, explain. How about the last thing you think when you go to sleep? Discuss...


x3JessicaLouise said...

It really does depend on the day. If I have class later, I always think if I finished all of my work or if I need to study for my test, etc. So the last thing I think of is usually what I need to do and what I did for hoemwork that day. If I dont have class, I usually fall asleep pretty quickly. When I wake up it's usually just thinking about getting brandon's lunch done and getting him up for work. then what I have to do that day. I used to be terrible about lying awake for hours worrying about things, but I've gotten a little better with that.

Fiery Redhead said...

Most any morning the first thing I am thinking about is coffee. I can't even begin to think about anything else until after coffee. Doesn't matter what day it is or how much sleep I got.

At night I tend to go over in my mind everything I have to do the next day and whether or not I have everything I need the for the next day. Once I'm positive that everything that needed to be done is done then I fall right asleep. Usually if I don't have to work the next day it's a little different. Those days we usually stay up late watching movies or playing games so I tend to fall right asleep before I can even start to have a thought.

SharonDB said...

How I wake up on a week day or weekend is different. Weekdays, the 1st thing I think is "snooze button!" then I think of the day & going to the job that I've grown to dislike. I am looking for a new one & am trying to maintain a positive outlook, but it is very hard to not fill up w/ dread for the workday. Weekends are so different, I wake up happy, thinking of what to do that day. Even if I have stuff like cleaning & laundry to do, I know I can squeeze in fun me-stuff. So I am SO excited to start a non-work day...sometimes I even wake up earlier on weekends than I do for work because I'm so happy to have a day off! Sometimes I sleep in lazily w/ DH, that's fabulous too. And I echo Melissa's sentiment that caffeine is among my first thoughts.

At night, I admit my mind races chaotically thinking of what I did/didn't do/need to do, etc. But as I relax, in the bed I share w/ DH, in the home we own, I start to think of all the things I'm grateful for - my family & friends, my health, my home, the fact that I even have a job (despite my feelings for it), my beloved pasttimes. I fill w/ a warm & fuzzy optimism as I fall off to sleep. (Note, when I'm truly exhausted, I just konk out! But I still take a moment to be grateful for what I have).

twinscrapbee said...

This one's easy. The first thing I think of when I first wake up, every morning, is falling back to sleep. Like most women, before I fall asleep, I go through the day in my mind and what I have to do in the morning--unless I knock out from exhaustion. On the weekends, I'm usually fighting to stay up a little longer or I'm passed out from too much wine.

cmeinstlou said...

In the morning, I too first think about coffee. Lately I've also been trying to make a habit of being thankful for all of the people/things in my life. Its kinda like a little morning prayer as I'm getting my coffee ready in the morning. Then I start to think of everything I have to do for the day.
At night, I usually go over the important events of the day, but usually am either watching the news or Jay Leno as I fall asleep.

Gelidy Gelato said...
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Gelidy Gelato said...

The first thing I think about is...Where is my teddy bear? and he is always right next to me in the "death grip" as Brad says.
And the last thing I think about is...Where is my teddy bear?

WendyGirl said...

During the week, the first thing I think about is "why can't it just be the weekend?" On the weekend I usually try to figure out what I am going to do for the day...or maybe what I am going to eat for breakfast (I love breakfast). Before I go to sleep, I honestly always think about how comfortable my bed is. I love it and realize how cozy it is everytime I crawl into it!